Returns & Cancellation
As consumer you have the right to cancel or modify an order. If you wish to do so, please contact us as soon as possible by email at; fill in the cancellation form and include it in the email. We will respond with all needed information. If the order is dispatched before we are contacted, it will be treated as a return.
As consumer you have the right to return an item purchased from our Website and exchange it if applicable. You have to do so within 14 days of the purchase. Fill in and include the return form in the parcel. Note that we will not accept any returns if the item:
-is not in original packaging and with original labels
-is not in condition as purchased
-have been washed
-is scented with aftershave, perfume or deodorant
It is the Customer's responsibility to arrange carriage to return products. You may use a courier of your choice. We will contact you as soon as we receive your items back. Please allow up to 14 days after agreement for refund or exchange. For possible refund the Customer shall provide all necessary bank details. Refund does not include any payment for delivery.
For complaints, an Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) platform has been set up by the European Commission:
which provides easy access to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) presenting different ways for people to resolve disputes, without a trial.
We encourage you to contact us by email at to solve any possible differences regarding our contract, by means of mutual agreement.
Title: Ownership of the products are passed to the Customer when full payment is received by the Supplier. The products are at the Customer’s risk when dispatched.