Shoes made for skateboarding can endure heavy hits and wear from contact with the griptape, but at some point in your life you find yourself thinking: what if my shoes could take a lil' more. Stay_K streetwear / skateshop's got a solution. The shoe repair glue! A must-have accessory for every skater, whether it's to repair torn up shoes or prevent it. This product category will save you some money. But, if you think it's a safest choice to change the shoes, browse our Skate Shoes category.

REPAIR SKATE SHOES with this accessory from STAY_K online shop
At Stay_K skateshop we have two choices of shoe repair glue from the following companies. First is the all time classic, Shoe Goo, an icon in the skateboard market. Second's called Allstargum. A newer company founded by a French skater who wanted to have a European made, more environment-friendly, alternative to the already established one we mentioned earlier.
WARNING: It's important, before using both of these products, to read and carefully follow the instructions written on the package and on the products' pages here on our website.

Skate Shoes & Protective Insoles for skateboarding and other extreme sports

Shoes made for skateboarding are especially designed to protect your feet from hits, your ankles, knees and even your back from impact. They usually achieve this with state of the art materials built in the shoe for cushioning. If these materials are really worn out, we recommend you to consider buying new shoes, instead of trying to fix the old ones. You can always save the shoe repair glue to prevent damage on

your fresh skate shoes. Some signs that your old shoes are at the point of no return are: very slippery sole, open hole on the bottom, ripped eyelets for the shoelaces, shoe becomes loose and wambly. All these may increase the risk of injury. Also, sometimes even in new shoes you might find the insole needs changing, because of its ineffectiveness. Footprint Insoles are here to fight this issue with their patented technology for impact absorption.